unheard voices
Throughout Africa, the LGBT and Sex Worker communities are condemned, abused and mistreated. It's become the norm. People know no other way, which perpetuates the discrimination. It’s time to tell a different side of the story. For every act of intolerance, hate, and violence, there’s an act of understanding, compassion, and care. Tens of thousands of these stories of hope exist, from big gestures to smaller moments of support - so we collected them and shared them with the world. So raise your voice and together we can make these stories of hope, heard.
On social media we engage with our audiences using voice clips of our real-life stories of hope. It's here where the public can talk about their concerns or show support for our communities. What has been very interesting is watching the naysayers being stood up to and educated by the people around them (even in countries where it's illegal to be LGBT or a Sex Worker) and shown that at the end of the day, love trumps hate.

We recorded some of the user-generated stories into various African languages, including the English ones below, which were then shared on radio and digital platforms.
Unheard Voices

parental regret

sex worker
